
Houston TAAP is currently accepting Annual Award Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for the three annual awards presented to members of the addiction treatment, education, prevention and intervention community: Counselor of the Year, Addiction Professional of the Year, and Hall of Fame. You must be a current TAAP member to nominate someone, and, the nominee must also be a current TAAP member. The award recipients will be presented before their peers at the Annual Awards Brunch at the Houston Spectrum Conference in October

Individual portfolios containing supporting documentation and completed nomination form must be submitted to the TAAP Chapter President no later than April 2.

To nominate an individual for an Award: Mail a hard-copy of a Nomination Packet (see description of required documents)

Nominations must be submitted no later than April 2.

Incomplete nomination forms will NOT be considered.

All nominees must be current members of TAAP.

Packet should be sent to:
Houston Chapter TAAP Awards Committee
PO Box 131924
Houston, TX 77219


Questions can be sent to the Chapter President here